I'm so glad you're here!
As a mother and wife, I strongly believe that to raise emotionally resourceful and connected children it’s essential for parents to feel confident in their own love relationship and learn how to consistently get-back-to-connection after conflict.
I am a NJ and NY licensed clinical psychologist, dedicated to working with the interfacing spheres of relationships, sexuality, fertility and parenthood. I love coaching insightful couples around the world to transform painful conflict into deeply satisfying connection with their partners so they can feel secure, alive and raise emotionally resilient families.
I am especially passionate about helping families thrive during the formative years when children need so much, yet parents are typically exhausted and overburdened.
My mission is to work with insightful couples who are ready to understand what’s truly driving their arguments, so they can use conflict to deepen their connection and access more ease, love and playfulness in their marriages and parenting.
I work to deeply support couples so they can enjoy and carry forward their birthright - the richness of living in a body that’s fully alive, and the gift of genuine human contact in all of its forms.
3 Essential Practices to Help You Transform Relationship-Pain into Deep Romantic Connection:
Finally trust that your relationship is a shared priority & enjoy being fully present on your loving journey with your partner
"Dr. Ma’ayan gave us the space to discover the answers we were hoping to find when we made the commitment to work with her. With her thoughtful insight and gentle encouragement, we dug deep into our relationship and discovered patterns that we knew we needed help to break.
We came out the other side with an incredibly deep empathy for each other and real, practical tools to change our old patterns rooted in fear and misunderstanding. Ultimately, we learned to more often communicate from a place of genuine love and understanding."
Restore a Soulmate connection in your marriage, even while you're busy parenting
Finally trust that your relationship is a shared priority & enjoy being fully present on your loving journey with your partner
Up to 90% of couples I work with begin to doubt whether they can hold onto the “Soulmate Connection" in their marriage, especially once they’re past the honeymoon phase of their relationship.
I love guiding parents get back to feeling and expressing affection towards their partner, while creating space to receive more love than they ever imagined - ESPECIALLY while they’re busy raising a family.

Soulmate Connection
During this free teaching-series, you'll learn:
The 4 most common relationship-landmines that are sure to erode connection, zap sensuality and steal pleasure from even the best of relationships and how to overcome them.
Discover how you can avoid falling back into negative spirals of resentment and dead-end arguments and instead, communicate with each other openly with zero judgements, giving and receiving total
How to use conflict to deepen your connection and access more ease, love and playfulness in both your marriage and parenting.
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your marriage
to become a healing force for self-discovery, and personal growth?
Find time for your partner
amidst the holiday hustle
10-minute Pop-Up training series
Daily dose of inspiration and actionable tips for mindful parents
ready to bring more presence to their marriage

If you’re serious about creating a stable, loving and fulfilling partnership,
I highly recommend working with Dr. Ma’ayan. She creates a safe space and
a guided path to see more of yourself. She allowed each of us to be ourselves fully,
while guiding us towards each other.
10 Habits of Deeply Connected Couples Video Training
Are you starting to feel like you and your partner are simply co-parenting roommates?
I’ve created a free video guide for parents
just like you, who are ready to
reconnect and bring back harmony
and mutuality into their marriage.
When consistently practiced, the powerful strategies in this training will help you:
Release toxic REACTIVITY and create deep respect in your relationship.
Get to the real reasons behind your conflict with your partner
Disrupt the blame-cycle and instead transform conflict into even deeper connection, more affection and an unshakeable love with your partner.
Discover the #1 thing that will help you move from a feeling of chaos to feeling emotionally secure in your relationship, EVEN during an argument.
Are you ready to reignite the fire and passion
you had before you became parents?
Three out of four couples I work with say their
biggest struggle is holding on to the connection
with each other, but parenthood doesn't have to
lead to a demise in intimacy.
During this free training, you'll learn:
The 4 surprising reasons (besides being drained and having no time) that keep so many couples with children from enjoying a more juicy, passionate connection that energizes, magnetizes and excites them.
Why saying “yes” to intimacy with your partner (even if you’re an exhausted parent) should be at the top of your parenting priorities - yes, please read that last part again!
Why it is absolutely essential that you prioritize your connection with your partner NOW so that you can be confident that you’re providing a hopeful, healthy and inspiring example to your children and be the best parents you can be.

"I rediscovered my lust for life as well as for the woman that I originally fell in love with,
who fully supports my dreams (as I do for her too).
We have reconnected with the person we originally fell head over heels for, but in a new, healthy way that feels safe, respectful, stable and loving. Even intimacy is becoming a safer, more comfortable space for us to connect through again.
As I invest in myself more, my partner has had the space to see herself more clearly
and is also growing in ways I know are genuine and that I appreciate and love her for.
We have both changed and grown in the exact ways we had hoped to.
Rest easy knowing that I am very happy and very much in love."
From Conflict & Doubt to
Whole-Hearted Connection
With Your Partner:
A conversation for insightful couples with children who desire more sparkle in their relationship
but find themselves in conflict - despite
their best intentions!

A Podcast Interview with Susan Miller
You'll learn:
Why couples get stuck in power-struggles or “replay mode” despite their best intentions
Why you must learn to get-back-to connection following arguments with your partner
How you can use touch to reach your partner, even when the feelings run high
How conflict can illuminate your limiting patterns in love, and instead help evolve your intimacy beyond what you thought was previously possible in your relationship.
Featured Videos
Featured Videos

Relationship Connection & Repair for Over-Stressed Parents. "Mindful Family Radio" Episode # 22 http://bit.ly/mindfulradio with - Jennifer Bronsnick Counseling & Mindful Mommy

#SoulmateConnection A peek into my 5-day series that's happening now! Ready To Create Space to Receive More Love Than You Ever Imagined In Your Marriage - ESPECIALLY while you're busy raising a family? Join my free 5-day teaching series! Syncyour

#PassionateConnection Top 5 Intimacy Boosters To Spice Up Your Marriage, for Parents Who Are Ready to go from Tired to Passionate Connection syncyourhearts.com/passion-connection Exciting Announcement about my next online teaching series & question

Find out if we're a good fit - book your no-obligation clarity call.
The 4 Pillars for a Loving, Thriving Marriage

Sign up for my free webinar
for couples ready to bring back
connection, while raising a family
In this powerful free online training, I will cover how you can:
1. Unlock the full potential of your marriage to become a healing force for self-discovery and personal growth.
2. Finally get back to THRIVING in a loving marriage, even while raising a family and running a busy household.
3. Move beyond power struggles and create a safe zone with your partner where you can hear each other without shutting-down or getting defensive, and take a stand for each other’s growth like never before!
4. Go from being frustrated that you’re always "adulting" or taking the high-road to trusting that you’re in a true partnership; even if your mate isn’t quite on board with you yet.
5. Learn how to rekindle the intimacy in your marriage, even if you feel like you’ve been co-parenting roommates for years and you’ve accepted that your marriage may have lost its luster forever.